Monday, February 18, 2008

King of Kong: the best video game movie of all time???

This past week me and my brother tony watched the documentary King of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters, and after watching it got me thinking Could this be the greatest video game movie of all time???

The movie premiered at Slamdance in January of 2007 and came out on DVD on January 28, 2008.

For those who don't know what the movie is about, King of Kong is a documentary about the game of Donkey Kong, but more importantly it is a about a guy who decides to go for the world record and the obstacles he had to face in the process.

Steve Weibe was an unemployed father who while going to college to study to be a teacher decide to play donkey kong in his spare time and after achiving a million points, decide to try For the world record and that is were movie gets interresting.

I have watched many documentaries, some with topics that i cared about and some that i didn't, but the great thing about this movie is that it gets you interested in the story of Steve Wiebe and has you hooked until the very end.

Does he get the World Record?

What does the current Champion who is Billy Mitchell who also hold records for Pac-man and many other games does about this?

and many more question will come to you as you watch this movie, if you are a Gamer or not, i recommend everyone to watch this documentary and tell me what you think...

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