Saturday, February 27, 2010

May Comics Solicitation

It’s solicitation time again, with new books and collections for everyone from New readers to Long-time collectors.
The book I really look forward to are brightest Day #1, Avengers #1 and Zatanna #1.

Please understand that this is not my TOTAL order (my total number of books for each month usually runs around 25 - 30 books), just the books that will be coming out that I'm excited for.

Friday, February 5, 2010

2010 Wish list (or what I plan to have on my shelf by 2011)

It's a new year and a new wish list

Every year I makes a list of what I want to add to my Collection and I like to see if I get it done by the year end.
Some of these I haven't read and some are my favorites so I just want to have them my collection.
This year I have added Mangas and regular Books to expand my reading as posted in my resolution blog

after all these I will DEFINITELY have a lot of reading....